Repackaged Services
Grab and use repackaged libraries such as CXF,Jakarta, Faces, POI, Swagger, Undertow that are always up to date* and compatible with building JLink, JPackage, and JMod distributables -if need be - without touching the managed Guice layer
Deploy the JRE
Build your Java Modular System artifacts and deploy your application in a complete modular environment.
All the while using everything you know and love from your favourite frameworks and libaries!
JMod, JLink and JPackage out the box
Micro Modules
Each module-info is handcrafted and built according to need. Not a single one is autogenerated. Including just the rest module is enough to build and deploy an enterprise grade MicroService system and architecture. It has never been easier to get your stuff out there
Grouped Singular Dependencies
When a library is the only one to require a dependency, we've shoved that dependency in there to encapsulate the packages, and only expose the API that is for use. This keeps the module-info very small, the dependency chain managed, and the exposed packages to a bare minimum
Build It Up
Don't Exclude Down
Frameworks and Capabilities are only available once you have included the module.
This means your application is only the size of what you want inside it. Mix and match any combination of modules to build your final JLink/JPackage artifact.
It's your program
Using Guice you get a 100% True Modular D.I. framework. With Guiced EE, you can programmatically configure it any however you like.
From data sources, rest providers, WS interceptors to Web Sockets, RabbitMQ and even JMS -
Restart, Update, Change and configure everything directly from YOUR application with unparalleled/unbelievable performance in the new Java Module System